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So Glad you are here...

Socrates said, "Know Thyself"...

As compelling a teaching as that was back in 400 BC, it still applies today.  80% of all disease has an emotional root.  Look at the word:  dis - ease, not at ease.  And, just as a gardener must yank the whole weed to allow the garden to flourish, so too in health, we must get at the roots of what is out of balance in order to experience our homeostatic state of health.  Western medicine is a wonderful diagnostic tool and it treats symptoms.  If what ails you is part of the 20% this is all you need.  But if you can't get answers or the treatments don't "heal" energy medicine can help.   The Healing Process begins with you.  Whether the ailment is mental, emotional, or physical, you are an integral component in your own wellness.

So let's get started.  I can help in a variety of ways.  First, I am a deep listener.  You can talk to me or not; regardless, I am listening to what your energy is saying about you.  Second, I am trained in several modalities:  Akashic Records Reading, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Reflexology (hand, feet, face), Shamanic practices, and more.  Third, because I work intuitively, your session is unique to you.  It involves you at your highest level and my highest guidance showing me exactly what is needed for you at the time of your appointment.  All of this is accomplished in a safe, soothing, relaxing environment with a great deal of compassion and understanding.

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Wendy Casey 2019

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